“For healthy crops”




A spray fungicide product

in the form of a suspension concentrate (SC) with systemic action for preventive and curative application, intended for the protection of winter wheat, winter triticale, winter rye, summer barley and winter oilseed rape against fungal diseases.

Action of the product:

ALMIRO®Tebuconazole is a systemically acting product with preventive and curative activity against a wide range of economically important fungal diseases in winter oilseed rape and cereals (winter wheat, winter triticale, winter rye, summer barley). It contains tebuconazole as the active substance, which has a very good duration of action, lasting 3–4 weeks after application. ALMIRO®Tebuconazole has a growth-regulating effect in oilseed rape, which reduces winter freezing injury of field crops after autumn treatment and increases plant resistance to laying flat for spring applications.

Recommendations for application:

ALMIRO®Tebuconazole 0.25 l/ha + Patel 300 EC 0.4 l/ha

ALMIRO®Tebuconazole 0.4 l/ha + COMMODOR 0.5 l/ha

ALMIRO®Tebuconazole + ALMIRO®Altron+ New 0.3 l/ha


tebuconazole 500 g/l (50% by weight)


4 x 5 l, HDPE container

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. The information published herein is for informational purposes only. When using a plant protection product, follow the valid product label and applicable List of Registered and Other Plant Protection Products.

Almiro energy for vegetation, s. r. o.

The company is registered in the OR kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 186824.

Mailing address and central warehouse