“Fungal diseases have no chance”

Patel 300 EC

Patel 300 EC

Patel 300 EC
Patel 300 EC

A spray fungicide product

with systemic action in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) to protect oilseed rape, barley, wheat, winter rye and triticale against fungal diseases.

Action of the product

Patel 300 EC acts as an inhibitor of ergosterol biosynthesis, essential for the development of cell membranes of pathogenic organisms. After application, the systemically acting active substance—prothioconazole—penetrates rapidly into the conducting tissues and is acropetally transported to plant parts not directly affected by spraying. It is characterised by its protective and curative effect and long residual action.

Recommendations for application

Patel 300 EC 0.4 l/ha + ALMIRO®Tebuconazole 0.25 l/ha

Patel 300 EC 0,4 l/ha + TEB-azol 0,5 l/ha

Patel 300 EC 0,4 l/ha + COMMODOR 0,5 l/ha

Patel 300 EC + ALMIRO®Altron+ 0,3 l/ha


prothioconazole 300 g/l (28.04% by weight)


4 x 5 l, HDPE container 

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. The information published herein is for informational purposes only. When using a plant protection product, follow the valid product label and applicable List of Registered and Other Plant Protection Products.

Almiro energy for vegetation, s. r. o.

The company is registered in the OR kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 186824.

Mailing address and central warehouse